Friday, July 24, 2015



2014-11-24 | Matt Hodge

Javier Ramos and Alberto Martinez have chosen to return to Morinda because of its incredible opportunity

Two former IPCs from the Golden State have returned to Morinda, bringing their golden touch back to the company because of the wealth of opportunity it presents.

California residents Javier Ramos and Alberto Martinez are members of the same organization who were both with Morinda for eight years before leaving to explore other opportunities. However, they are part of a recent wave of prominent IPCs who have returned to Morinda after stints elsewhere. 

People are flocking to Morinda now because of factors such as the Area Developer Program, the TruAge Scanner System, and the TruAge message of living younger, longer. It’s no coincidence that successful distributors like Javier and Alberto are back with Morinda; they know incredible opportunity when they see it, and they are going to capitalize on it. At Morinda, we’re thrilled to have them back!

Javier (seen on the left), a former Black Pearl, said he was led to become a Morinda IPC again because of the good experiences he had with the staff at Morinda’s corporate office, and also because of the compensation plan and all the new programs that have been introduced. 

“The Area Developer Program seems very interesting,” Javier said. “It’s a program in which anyone can receive a very good income from having a successful business.”

Alberto (seen below), meanwhile, said he was drawn back because Morinda is a solid company with superior-class products. He was ultimately convinced because of the recently implemented business systems.

“In spite of having many opportunities to start with other companies, I chose Morinda because of its strong foundation and the integrity of Morinda’s team at the corporate office, starting with the founders,” Alberto said.

Being a Morinda distributor again plays into each of these men’s talents and strengths.

“I consider myself dedicated to motivating others,” said Javier. “I love sharing Morinda’s compensation plan and how people can earn a great income.”

“I don’t have any special talents; I just like to have everything in order when I work,” Alberto said humbly. “I enjoy helping others achieve the things they aspire for, have good health, and an opportunity to have financial growth. We can all do the same thing; you don’t need to be a great leader to achieve results.”

What’s great is now that both men are back with Morinda, they are not aiming for the status quo. Instead, they have set very ambitious goals for themselves.

“My goal is to triple or quadruple the volume I achieved when I was previously with the company,” said Javier. “My goal is to be in the Marquesas Club in three-to-four years.”

 “My goal is to build a business 10 times bigger than when I was first with the company,” said Alberto. “I want to sign many people up and help them see the benefits for themselves. Titles and success will come as a result.”

Ambitious, yes, but these men are used to success. As such, they have good advice for IPCs looking to reach new heights.

“My advice to them would be if they want to change their lifestyle they must be part of a business network,” said Javier. “Network marketing is the only type of business which allows someone to invest very little money to get started. I would advise them to understand the significance of a business, to have realistic goals which are achievable and to keep their organization motivated. It is also very important to receive training in order to develop a business. You must have definite goals and give 100 percent every hour you dedicate to your business.”

“The advice I would give to IPCs who want to reach the highest levels is to trust and believe that we have the best opportunity to achieve what we desire with Morinda,” said Alberto. “I would advise them to have an ‘active-patience,’ meaning not to expect to become a millionaire overnight, but rather to keep working each day, having the surety that your consistent efforts will lead you to success.”

With numerous highly successful former IPCs like Javier and Alberto returning to Morinda, as well as the new distributors that the company is attracting, the future for the company continues to be very bright.

“I see an explosive future for Morinda because it is having a rebirth,” said Alberto. “I foresee a huge growth in the United States and throughout the world. I can say that in the next years Morinda will get bigger, and continue to expand with a great force.”

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