Fuel For Daily Living
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
17 Best Benefits Of Noni Juice For Skin, Hair And Health
17 Best Benefits Of Noni Juice For Skin, Hair And Health
June 29, 2015
A lot of 100 year old folks, who grew up eating noni straight of the tree, claim it to be the reason for their increased lifespan. In this age of disease and pollution, a miracle fruit that can help you live longer is hard to come by. So try to make maximum use of all its benefits. Drink noni, while you have the chance!
The evergreen shrub native to Southeast Asia and Australasia called Morinda Citrifolia, or noni plant is the source of noni juice. It is also known as Indian Mulberry, or aal in Hindi. Though most of us are not aware of this fruit, there have been several claims regarding the health benefits of both the fruit and its juice.
So what is noni juice most known for? It has been quite well known to the Polynesians for more than 2000 years, who used almost all parts of the noni plant. It is said to possess significant medicinal qualities due to its analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
This juice is sold in commercial form all over the world as it has been promoted as a cure for a number of human diseases. It is also sold in the form of capsules. The powdered pulp of this fruit was the first product to be commercially marketed. Even a small dose of this juice is said to have beneficial effects on your health.
Health Benefits of Noni Juice:
Noni fruit is known for its wide array of health benefits. Since the fruit is bland and has an unpleasant smell, it is most often consumed as a fruit juice to obtain its various health benefits, as given below.
1. Aids in Weight Loss:
One of the benefits of noni juice is that it causes weight loss. This is because it produces nitric oxide inside the body. This nitric oxide is used by the muscles to metabolize a lot of energy. This energy is pulled by nitric oxide from the different sources for muscles to use, the fat cells being one of those sources. This reduces triglycerides (energy) stored in fat cells, resulting in the reduction of weight of fat cells.
2. Lowers Cholesterol:
Dyslipidemia is characterized by elevated levels of blood cholesterol resulting in an increase in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Research has proved that the water and ethanol based extracts of noni fruit reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
3. Beneficial for Diabetics:
A research conducted by the “Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine” has proved that noni juice, when used with insulin treatments is more effective in controlling blood sugar than one of these components alone. This is because it contains compounds like triterpenes and saponins. These properties make it beneficial for diabetic patients.
4. Proper Digestion:
Noni juice has a high fiber content which promotes proper digestion. It also has laxative properties which can prevent constipation. Since ages, this juice has been used indigenously by the natives to ease digestive problems such as stomach aches.
5. Prevents Stroke:
Consumption of noni juice may protect you against the damage caused by stroke due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also contains nitric acid which helps make the veins more elastic and thus help in better circulation. A better blood circulation can alleviate the after effects of stroke.
6. Relieves Pain:
The analgesic and sedative components in noni juice make it effective in relieving various types of pains in the body such as menstrual cramps, arthritis, joint pains and other inflammatory conditions.
7. Anti-cancer Properties:
One of the most notable noni juice benefits is that it may actually help fight cancer. This is due to the fact that noni fruit contains a polysaccharides-rich substance which suppresses the growth of new cancer cells. Noni juice contains antioxidant components which boost the immune system and reduce oxidative stress in the body. The anti-tumor and immuno-modulatory properties of this juice make it useful for treating some forms of cancer. Thus, noni juice can reduce the formation of cancer cells, promoting the body’s ability to ward off further infection.
8. Increases Energy Levels:
This juice has proven to be beneficial in increasing the body’s energy levels, thus improving the ability to perform physical activities. Native Polynesians often consumed the noni fruit to avoid fatigue and increase energy levels. This is largely due to the fruit’s natural antioxidant properties, which strengthen the cells and ward off other ailments.
9. Prevents Cataracts:
Cataract is a vision problem characterized by clouding of your eye lenses. This is largely due to high sugar levels, particularly in case of diabetics, which causes the lens of their eye to swell. As per research, noni extract helps in keeping your eye lens clear, thus preventing diseases like cataracts.
10. Prevents Ulcers:
Scientific research has shown that noni juice has the ability to prevent gastric lesions in the intestines. This is because noni extract decreases the amount of acid in the stomach and increases the mucous that protects the lining. Thus, it is quite beneficial in preventing ulcers.
11. Liver Protection:
Diabetes has adverse effects on your liver, thus increasing the risk of fatty liver disease which causes scarring. Noni juice, besides controlling the blood sugar levels, reduces fatty degeneration in liver cells with smaller and less numerous fatty globules, thus protecting your liver and preventing liver damage.
12. Facilitates Wound Healing:
High level of blood sugar is associated with poor healing of wounds. Noni juice has proven to be effective in reducing the wound area as well facilitates quick healing by controlling the blood glucose levels.
13. Prevents Degenerative Diseases:
According to research, noni fruit has properties which can prevent the onset of certain degenerative diseases. Thus, drinking noni juice helps in decreasing the risk of developing serious illnesses like liver disorder and other diseases of major body organs.
Skin Benefits of Noni Juice:
The nutritional value of noni juice makes it beneficial for your skin. Even a small dose makes your skin feel younger and beautiful from inside. Its skin benefits are as follows.
14. Treatment of Skin Problems:
Noni fruit juice has a positive effect on your skin as it is a rich source of vitamin C. Daily dose of noni juice has proven to be beneficial in treating several skin problems like acne, pimples, rough and dry skin, and even dark spots on the skin.
15. Anti-aging Benefits:
The antioxidant vitamin C and other natural chemicals found in noni juice provide nourishment to the cells, tissues and organs, fights free radicals and reverse the adverse effects of aging and pollution. Noni juice also contains selenium which is an important antioxidant and trace element that preserves the skin elasticity, thus slowing the aging process.
16. Anti-inflammatory Benefits:
The anti-inflammatory properties of noni juice make it beneficial for treating certain skin conditions. It inhibits histamine, thus treating hives, allergic skin reactions and dermatographism by working at a cellular level. It can even be applied topically for treating certain skin conditions like acne, herpes, burns and
Hair Benefits of Noni Juice:
Besides its various skin benefits, drinking noni juice also facilitates healthy hair growth and combats the problem of hair loss.
17. Combats Hair Loss:
There can be several causes of hair loss such as age, heredity, poor nutrition and scalp problems. Hair loss can be reversed by obtaining adequate amount of nutrients in your diet. Since noni juice possesses immune boosting abilities, it can benefit those suffering from hair loss. The vitamins and minerals present in it strengthen your immune system and improve circulation, thus promoting the health of your hair and scalp. Drinking noni juice facilitates healthy hair growth, particularly for those who experience premature hair loss. In fact, it is often recommended to many surviving cancer patients to revive their hair follicles after chemotherapy.
The Benefits of Noni
Friday, July 24, 2015
2014-11-24 | Matt Hodge
Javier Ramos and Alberto Martinez have chosen to return to Morinda because of its incredible opportunity
Two former IPCs from the Golden State have returned to Morinda, bringing their golden touch back to the company because of the wealth of opportunity it presents.
California residents Javier Ramos and Alberto Martinez are members of the same organization who were both with Morinda for eight years before leaving to explore other opportunities. However, they are part of a recent wave of prominent IPCs who have returned to Morinda after stints elsewhere.
People are flocking to Morinda now because of factors such as the Area Developer Program, the TruAge Scanner System, and the TruAge message of living younger, longer. It’s no coincidence that successful distributors like Javier and Alberto are back with Morinda; they know incredible opportunity when they see it, and they are going to capitalize on it. At Morinda, we’re thrilled to have them back!
Javier (seen on the left), a former Black Pearl, said he was led to become a Morinda IPC again because of the good experiences he had with the staff at Morinda’s corporate office, and also because of the compensation plan and all the new programs that have been introduced.
“The Area Developer Program seems very interesting,” Javier said. “It’s a program in which anyone can receive a very good income from having a successful business.”
Alberto (seen below), meanwhile, said he was drawn back because Morinda is a solid company with superior-class products. He was ultimately convinced because of the recently implemented business systems.
“In spite of having many opportunities to start with other companies, I chose Morinda because of its strong foundation and the integrity of Morinda’s team at the corporate office, starting with the founders,” Alberto said.
Being a Morinda distributor again plays into each of these men’s talents and strengths.
“I consider myself dedicated to motivating others,” said Javier. “I love sharing Morinda’s compensation plan and how people can earn a great income.”
“I don’t have any special talents; I just like to have everything in order when I work,” Alberto said humbly. “I enjoy helping others achieve the things they aspire for, have good health, and an opportunity to have financial growth. We can all do the same thing; you don’t need to be a great leader to achieve results.”
What’s great is now that both men are back with Morinda, they are not aiming for the status quo. Instead, they have set very ambitious goals for themselves.
“My goal is to triple or quadruple the volume I achieved when I was previously with the company,” said Javier. “My goal is to be in the Marquesas Club in three-to-four years.”
“My goal is to build a business 10 times bigger than when I was first with the company,” said Alberto. “I want to sign many people up and help them see the benefits for themselves. Titles and success will come as a result.”
Ambitious, yes, but these men are used to success. As such, they have good advice for IPCs looking to reach new heights.
“My advice to them would be if they want to change their lifestyle they must be part of a business network,” said Javier. “Network marketing is the only type of business which allows someone to invest very little money to get started. I would advise them to understand the significance of a business, to have realistic goals which are achievable and to keep their organization motivated. It is also very important to receive training in order to develop a business. You must have definite goals and give 100 percent every hour you dedicate to your business.”
“The advice I would give to IPCs who want to reach the highest levels is to trust and believe that we have the best opportunity to achieve what we desire with Morinda,” said Alberto. “I would advise them to have an ‘active-patience,’ meaning not to expect to become a millionaire overnight, but rather to keep working each day, having the surety that your consistent efforts will lead you to success.”
With numerous highly successful former IPCs like Javier and Alberto returning to Morinda, as well as the new distributors that the company is attracting, the future for the company continues to be very bright.
“I see an explosive future for Morinda because it is having a rebirth,” said Alberto. “I foresee a huge growth in the United States and throughout the world. I can say that in the next years Morinda will get bigger, and continue to expand with a great force.”
Thursday, July 23, 2015
The Health Benefits of Noni
The health benefits of noni fruit are extensive. The noni fruit, or as it's scientifically known as Morinda citrifolia, grows on an evergreen like shrub in tropical climates. With the origin of noni fruit not 100% clear, it grows predominately in the Polynesian Islands of the South Pacific and Northern Australia. As it has been spread by man, noni fruit is also grown in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Noni fruit has been used for centuries by the Polynesian healers for its many health benefits. While the noni fruit is not often eaten due to its unique flavor and unpleasant smell, the noni fruit is usually consumed in a juice form. However, more than just the flesh of the noni fruit has health benefits. The bark and leaves of the noni tree, as well as the noni fruit rind, pulp and seeds all have healing benefits.
Anti-cancer Health Benefit of Noni
The ability for noni fruit help fight against cancer and be used as a form of treatment is currently being researched. There have been some very promising results from various studies that have been conducted all over the world.
From a study that was published in the 2001 issues of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, the results showed that the noni juice prevented the formation of cancer cells. It was theorized that due to the noni fruit's high levels of antioxidants as well as potency of the antioxidants, the cancer cells were not able to form.
These results were echoed in a study conducted by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in which animal cells were treated in vitro (outside the living environment) as well as in the animals. The noni fruit extract was seen to have anti-tumor properties. These studies continue today and further studies are being conducted with human subjects. The results are very promising.
Noni fruit has long been used because of its anti-inflammatory properties. In the June 2009 issue of Phytotherapy Research, the results of a test on mice were published showing proof of noni fruit's anti-inflammatory properties. The test was conducted on mice and showed that the mice that received a noni fruit puree, had a higher pain tolerance than those that did not receive the noni fruit puree. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the noni fruit, it acted as a pain reliever.
Thus the researchers from this study who were from the University Clinic in Hamburg, Germany, concluded that the extracts from the noni fruit can relieve pain and reduce the amount of swelling. This is a key reason why noni fruit is being used as a treatment for those who suffer from arthritis. Noni works to reduce the swelling in the joints from arthritis thus reducing the pain.
In a separate study conducted, with the results being published in the February 2008 issue of Phytotherapy Research, both in vitro cells as we as mice, were treated with noni juice. In both cases, both in vitro and the mice, the group that was given noni juice showed an increase in immune system response. These finding are very important to those who have a compromised immune system, due to illness of other medical conditions.
While there are far few tests being conducted to prove the anti-ulcer properties of noni fruit, there are have been some significant findings already. As published in the February 2009 issue of the Journal of Scientific Research, a control group of rats was treated with an extract of noni fruit. The rats that were treated showed an improvement in the reduction and prevention of gastric lessons in the intestines. The researchers state that these results were observed as the noni fruit extract was able to decrease the amount of acid in the stomach while at the same time increased the protective mucous of the stomach lining.
For centuries Islanders of the South Pacific have benefited from the amazing healing powers of Noni. With Noni's long list of health benefits; full of antioxidants, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, a natural antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and full of vitamins and nutrients, improve your health by having Noni daily. Your health demands the powers of Noni.
Research has proven the importance of antioxidants for our bodies overall health. Being aware of how antioxidants improve our health is important. To have a healthy lifestyle involves a balanced diet providing our bodies the essentials vitamins and minerals for sustain health and long happy lives. Along with exercise and rest, learn more about the power of antioxidants here.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Our opportunity was created with one goal in mind—to make you rich.
We help others build and establish their own successful business, and we do it in a way that’s easy and attainable for anyone:
Low Start-Up Costs. You’ve probably heard the saying, “It takes money to make money.” At Morinda, we’re changing this approach: a minimal $35 investment is all it takes to start your business.Income-generating system. Our three-step system will help you start earning an entry-level income of $1,000 each month.Exclusive product offerings. We’ve invested over $250 million in research and development, allowing us to develop products that are both relevant and effective. Our exclusive products include TrūAge Max, the only product on the market proven to lower AGEs, and our revolutionary TrūAge Scanner.Extensive support. In addition to our proven system, a wide range of support—including training materials, monthly meetings,
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Excess sugars in the bloodstream bind with proteins in the skin causing stiffness and inelasticity; impairing the skin's protective function.
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